Source code for pushjack.gcm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Client module for Google Cloud Messaging service.

By default, sending notifications is optimized to deliver notifications to the
maximum number of allowable recipients per HTTP request (currently 1,000
recipients as specified in the GCM documentation).

The return from a send operation will contain a response object that parses all
GCM HTTP responses and groups them by errors, successful registration ids,
failed registration ids, canonical ids, and the raw responses from each

For more details regarding Google's GCM documentation, consult the following:

- `GCM for Android <>`_
- `GCM Server Reference <>`_

from collections import namedtuple
import logging

import requests

from .utils import chunk, compact_dict, json_loads, json_dumps
from .exceptions import GCMError, GCMAuthError, gcm_server_errors
from ._compat import iteritems

__all__ = (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

GCM_URL = ''

# GCM only allows up to 1000 reg ids per bulk message.

#: Indicates that the push message should be sent with low priority. Low
#: priority optimizes the client app's battery consumption, and should be used
#: unless immediate delivery is required. For messages with low priority, the
#: app may receive the message with unspecified delay.

#: Indicates that the push message should be sent with a high priority. When a
#: message is sent with high priority, it is sent immediately, and the app can
#: wake a sleeping device and open a network connection to your server.

[docs]class GCMClient(object): """GCM client class.""" url = GCM_URL def __init__(self, api_key): self.api_key = api_key self._conn = None @property def conn(self): """Reference to lazy GCM connection.""" if not self._conn: self._conn = self.create_connection() return self._conn
[docs] def create_connection(self): """Create and return new GCM connection.""" return GCMConnection(self.api_key, self.url)
[docs] def send(self, ids, message, **options): """Send push notification to single or multiple recipients. Args: ids (list): GCM device registration IDs. message (str|dict): Message string or dictionary. If ``message`` is a dict and contains the field ``notification``, then it will be used for the ``notification`` payload. Keyword Args: notificatoin (dict, optional): Notification payload. Can include the fields ``body``, ``title``, and ``icon``. collapse_key (str, optional): Identifier for a group of messages that can be collapsed so that only the last message gets sent when delivery can be resumed. Defaults to ``None``. delay_while_idle (bool, optional): If ``True`` indicates that the message should not be sent until the device becomes active. time_to_live (int, optional): How long (in seconds) the message should be kept in GCM storage if the device is offline. The maximum time to live supported is 4 weeks. Defaults to ``None`` which uses the GCM default of 4 weeks. low_priority (boolean, optional): Whether to send notification with the low priority flag. Defaults to ``False``. restricted_package_name (str, optional): Package name of the application where the registration IDs must match in order to receive the message. Defaults to ``None``. dry_run (bool, optional): If ``True`` no message will be sent but request will be tested. Returns: :class:`GCMResponse`: Response from GCM server. Raises: GCMAuthError: If :attr:`api_key` not set. :class:`.GCMAuthError` .. versionadded:: 0.0.1 .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 - Added support for bulk sending. - Removed `request` argument. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 - Added ``low_priority`` argument. """ if not self.api_key: raise GCMAuthError('Missing GCM API key.') if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)): ids = [ids] message = GCMMessage(ids, message, **options) response = self.conn.send(GCMMessageStream(message)) return response
class GCMConnection(object): """Wrapper around requests session bound to GCM config.""" def __init__(self, api_key, url=GCM_URL): self.api_key = api_key self.url = url self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers.update({ 'Authorization': 'key={0}'.format(self.api_key), 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }) def post(self, message): """Send single POST request with message to GCM server.""" log.debug('Sending GCM notification batch containing {0} bytes.' .format(len(message))) return, message) def send(self, stream): """Send messages to GCM server and return list of responses.""" log.debug('Preparing to send {0} notifications to GCM.' .format(len(stream))) response = GCMResponse([ for message in stream]) log.debug('Sent {0} notifications to GCM.'.format(len(stream))) if response.failures: log.debug('Encountered {0} errors while sending to GCM.' .format(len(response.failures))) return response class GCMMessage(object): """GCM message object that serializes to JSON.""" def __init__(self, registration_ids, message, notification=None, collapse_key=None, delay_while_idle=None, time_to_live=None, restricted_package_name=None, low_priority=None, dry_run=None): self.registration_ids = registration_ids self.message = message self.collapse_key = collapse_key self.delay_while_idle = delay_while_idle self.time_to_live = time_to_live self.restricted_package_name = restricted_package_name self.dry_run = dry_run self.notification = notification = {} if low_priority: self.priority = None else: self.priority = GCM_HIGH_PRIORITY self._parse_message() def _parse_message(self): """Parse and filter :attr:`message` to set :attr:`data` and :attr:`notification`. """ if not isinstance(self.message, dict):['message'] = self.message else: if 'notification' in self.message: self.notification = self.message['notification'] self.message = dict((key, value) for key, value in iteritems(self.message) if key not in ('notification',)) def to_dict(self): """Return message as dictionary.""" return compact_dict({ 'registration_ids': self.registration_ids, 'notification': self.notification, 'data':, 'collapse_key': self.collapse_key, 'delay_while_idle': self.delay_while_idle, 'time_to_live': self.time_to_live, 'priority': self.priority, 'restricted_package_name': self.restricted_package_name, 'dry_run': True if self.dry_run else None }) def to_json(self): # pragma: no cover """Return message as JSON string.""" return json_dumps(self.to_dict()) class GCMMessageStream(object): """Iterable object that yields GCM messages in chunks.""" def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __len__(self): """Return count of number of notifications.""" return len(self.message.registration_ids) def __iter__(self): """Iterate through and yield chunked messages.""" message = self.message.to_dict() del message['registration_ids'] for ids in chunk(self.message.registration_ids, GCM_MAX_RECIPIENTS): for id in ids: log.debug('Preparing notification for GCM id {0}' .format(id)) if len(ids) > 1: to_field = 'registration_ids' else: to_field = 'to' ids = ids[0] message[to_field] = ids yield json_dumps(message)
[docs]class GCMResponse(object): """GCM server response with results parsed into :attr:`responses`, :attr:`messages`, :attr:`registration_ids`, :attr:`data`, :attr:`successes`, :attr:`failures`, :attr:`errors`, and :attr:`canonical_ids`. Attributes: responses (list): List of ``requests.Response`` objects from each GCM request. messages (list): List of message data sent in each GCM request. registration_ids (list): Combined list of all recipient registration IDs. data (list): List of each GCM server response data. successes (list): List of registration IDs that were sent successfully. failures (list): List of registration IDs that failed. errors (list): List of exception objects correponding to the registration IDs that ere not sent successfully. See :mod:`pushjack.exceptions`. canonical_ids (list): List of registration IDs that have been reassigned a new ID. Each element is an instance of :class:`GCMCanonicalID`. """ def __init__(self, responses): if not isinstance(responses, (list, tuple)): # pragma: no cover responses = [responses] self.responses = responses self.messages = [] self.registration_ids = [] = [] self.successes = [] self.failures = [] self.errors = [] self.canonical_ids = [] self._parse_responses() def _parse_responses(self): """Parse each server response.""" for response in self.responses: try: message = json_loads(response.request.body) except (TypeError, ValueError): message = None self.messages.append(message) message = message or {} if 'registration_ids' in message: registration_ids = message['registration_ids'] elif 'to' in message: registration_ids = [message['to']] else: registration_ids = [] if not registration_ids: continue self.registration_ids.extend(registration_ids) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() self._parse_results(registration_ids, data.get('results', [])) elif response.status_code == 500: for registration_id in registration_ids: self._add_failure(registration_id, 'InternalServerError') def _parse_results(self, registration_ids, results): """Parse the results key from the server response into errors, failures, and successes. """ for index, result in enumerate(results): registration_id = registration_ids[index] if 'error' in result: self._add_failure(registration_id, result['error']) else: self._add_success(registration_id) if 'registration_id' in result: self._add_canonical_id(registration_id, result['registration_id']) def _add_success(self, registration_id): """Add `registration_id` to :attr:`successes` list.""" self.successes.append(registration_id) def _add_failure(self, registration_id, error_code): """Add `registration_id` to :attr:`failures` list and exception to errors list. """ self.failures.append(registration_id) if error_code in gcm_server_errors: self.errors.append(gcm_server_errors[error_code](registration_id)) def _add_canonical_id(self, registration_id, canonical_id): """Add `registration_id` and `canonical_id` to :attr:`canonical_ids` list as tuple. """ self.canonical_ids.append(GCMCanonicalID(registration_id, canonical_id))
[docs]class GCMCanonicalID(namedtuple('GCMCanonicalID', ['old_id', 'new_id'])): """Represents a canonical ID returned by the GCM Server. This object indicates that a previously registered ID has changed to a new one. Attributes: old_id (str): Previously registered ID. new_id (str): New registration ID that should replace :attr:`old_id`. """ pass